Can I tell you something?  There’s something that I didn’t realize when I first started working one-on-one with people who want to make their health and wellness a priority, people who are sick of feeling less than amazing, and people who are confused about who to listen to for advice.

Here it is:  Most of us already know what we need to be doing to improve our health!

There is a lot of information (and misinformation) when it comes to the foods we eat. Just look at the variety of books in the ‘diet’ or ‘health’ section of your local bookstore. But when it comes down to it, we still know the basic things we should be doing to improve our health.

In fact, when I ask my clients “What are three things you think you could be doing, to improve your health?” I get similar answers each time:

Exercise more regularly
Stop eating _______ or stop drinking ________ (or stop smoking)
Eat more vegetables.

Granted, there is more to it than that. Sometimes what we think of as healthy food, is harmful to us because of a food sensitivity we don’t even know about.  Many who are vigorously exercising without seeing results don’t realize that it’s the exercise that is keeping their weight stuck.  That’s because they are putting so much stress on an already stressed body.

But, for many of us, just taking simple steps consistently will make a big improvement.

We know how to get healthier. But when it comes to that consistency part, that’s where we get tripped up.

I know! I have done it, too. I still do it. I might be a health coach, but I’m also human. I eat chips occasionally, I drink wine once in a while, and sometimes I indulge in too much dessert.  It’s fine to have an occasional treat, but “occasional” can turn into a regular compulsion.

How do we stop that from happening?

Examine the patterns

Awareness is key.  We have to realize what is leading us to repeat the same pattern we want so much to stop.  There is often a long-held belief driving the behavior, but you won’t be able to uncover that belief without examining the pattern.

For the next week, I’d like you to think about the obstacles that are stopping you from living your healthiest life. Think about it, journal about it, reflect on it.

What obstacles are standing in your way? Maybe you work long hours and cooking a healthy meal seems too time-consuming, or maybe you think that the price of healthy food is too high for your budget. You may discover that you aren’t sure if you really deserve to feel amazing.

Your job for the next week is to simply think, reflect, and journal on these obstacles. Knowing your obstacles, habits, and patterns will help you figure out how to work around them!

I would love to hear your comments below. Tell me what is stopping you! Let’s work it out together!