Today’s post is a more personal topic.  My friend Nyamka, a fellow health coach found HERE, invited me to participate in the “why do I write” blog hop.  Its a fun change of pace, so here I go.

Why do I write?  

I am happy to have an opportunity to share my purpose for creating this blog.  Since becoming a nurse 20 years ago, I have wanted to be in a position where I could inspire people to put their health high in their priorities.  

I became so frustrated by the busy-ness of the nursing positions I held.  None of them afforded the time we nurses long to spend with our patients, really talking, listening, and teaching.  I don’t mean to imply that I didn’t find each job I had rewarding.  I have always been proud and humbled in my career.

When my eyes were opened to the opportunity blogging held I was excited!  I have found a place where I can make at least a small difference in the world, and help the dismal health statistics change direction.

How does my writing process work?

To be perfectly honest, I don’t have a single process, or know if what I do works.  Sometimes I sit at my computer with the intention to write, beginning with one idea in mind.  By the time I am rewriting and editing, I find that my writing has changed direction.  

Its not that I change my mind midway through.  But, I am compelled to explore another idea from the one I began with.  

Other times I will pull out a notebook to scribble ideas as they occur to me.  

Also, if I learn something new, I make note of it so I can pass it along to you.

These are a few of the ways I begin to write.  I then come back to the article several times to tweak the wording and feel a lot of angst about anyone ever reading it. Then, with my eyes tightly squeezed shut and fingers crossed, I finally release it to the internet.

How does my writing differ from others in this genre?

I believe ultimately we are all unique in the way we write, the words we choose, and our opinions creep in even when we try to be purely factual.  

There are so many knowledgable doctors, nurses, coaches, trainers, and enthusiasts who write about topics similar to what I address.  We all come with our own experiences that shape our beliefs and understanding.  

My writing is a reflection of my education, self study, and experiences up to this point in my journey.

What am I working on?

This question could be taken to mean one of two things.  Either what project am I undertaking, or alternatively what writing issue am I endeavoring to improve.  Improvement is what I am working on!  Hopefully that will relieve the angst referred to above.

I want to write consistently, whether I am inspired, in the mood, have a topic in mind, or none of the above.  By writing consistently, I hope my writing better reflects who I am and what I stand for. 

I am working on writing with a more conversational tone, and less like a lecturing nurse.

I am working on being who I am in written words.  To come through the computer screen in a way that shows you that I want to be with you in your experience. 

 I want to listen.  That is really what I am best at.  But, since its tough to listen through my own written words, I hope to write things that inspire you to talk to me.  Then I can listen!  And, I’ll respond.  And I’ll be right there with you as you rant, or celebrate, or just need someone to hear you.

So, feel free to comment.  I’m all ears!

This has been an interesting exercise for me.  Its funny how things change.  A year ago I was contemplating writing a novel, and actually did just that as I participated in NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writers Month) 2013.  That is a whole movement of writers who write a 50,000 word novel every November.

Even then I hoped to use writing to inspire action in regards to health.  The story wasn’t very good. It was about a young cowboy from Lubbock, TX who became a professional cyclist while teaching high school science.

It will be interesting to see how my writing evolves over the next year.  

Passing the baton!

I nominate these three inspiring ladies to the Why I Write blog hop:

Laurie Clark:  She is an architect and writes on building efficient and sustainable homes, and can be found here.

Lynne Sturtevant:  She is an author, and the owner of Hidden Marietta, which offers unique tours of her interesting town in Ohio.  That website is here.

And Beth Garcia:  She is an author of several wonderful books and articles set in majestic West Texas.  Her website is found here.


Photo credit: koalazymonkey / Foter / CC BY-ND