Sometimes what stands between you and the thinner, healthier version of yourself is procrastination.  I know it doesn’t feel like that.  It feels like you just don’t have time.

You know what I mean: You can’t chop up all those vegetables to make a healthy meal after a long day at work. You can’t fit in a workout when you’re running between the kids’ school and the doctor’s appointments with your parents. You tell yourself you’ll take time to take better care of your health… LATER.

Well, later never really does come.  

There’s always something else to do… Something that seems more urgent.  And don’t get me wrong, those are important things.

But, so is the food that you nourish your body with, and how you even think about taking care of yourself.  

So, how can you do it all?

First, you don’t do it all.

There are inevitably things you are doing that don’t need to be done.  If you truly can’t find 30 minutes to exercise… 

it’s time to evaluate how you spend your time.

I challenge you to track how you are spending your time every day for the next week, and get a solid inventory of what you are actually spending your time on.

What kind of commitments do you have, and are they necessary? Are they fulfilling?

Are you spending too much time on social media?  (no judgment)

Are there household tasks that can be delayed or delegated?

Once you’ve got a good understanding of how you’re actually spending your time, be intentional about looking for spaces in your week where you can replace low-priority activities with higher priority ones.

Taking Action

Here are some tips to get you in action, because only by taking daily action will you reach your goal.

  • Just take 5 (or 10) minutes.  By starting small with your new activity, you won’t feel so overwhelmed.
  • Tackle one goal at a time.  You may have a lot you know you need to work on.  That’s okay.  You can do that one step at a time.  If you take on too much at once, especially without support and guidance, it is very easy to fall back into old habits. Give yourself permission to make sustainable changes.
  • Ask yourself why.  Why are you making this change?  What will it really do for you?  How will your life be different one month, one year, 10 years from now?  Don’t just focus on the health benefits.
    • Will you feel more confident?
    • What will that confidence open up for you?
    • Will you have more energy?
    • What will you be able to do with all that energy?
  • Then visualize it.  Really create a clear mental picture of yourself after you’ve reached your goal.  This can be powerfully motivating!
  • Make it fun!  When an activity seems like a chore, of course you don’t want to follow through!  So, find a way to make your new activity feel like a little party.For example:  If you don’t usually enjoy cooking (hey, I totally get that!):  Play music, dance, get creative, buy a new gadget. Enlisting a helper can make it more fun AND easier (maybe… depends on the helper, LOL)


Listen, I know it’s not easy.  You are going to have to push yourself to make that time happen for you every day.  But, I promise, it really can be done.  It really is worth it.

Something that has stuck with me from the years I’ve worked in hospice is this: Our day to day busy-ness is meaningless. What really must get done, will get done by someone no matter what. The rest of the time, that’s for you to decide.

How do you want your day to go?